Having trouble logging in or activating? See troubleshooting ideas here.
Activating the Tango Tango app for iOS or Android consists of logging in, then granting required permissions for the app.
Logging In
To log in, open the Tango Tango app and press Log In. When you do this for the first time, you'll be prompted to provide your phone number or email address, where your activation code will be sent. If you provide a phone number, the device at that number must be capable of receiving text messages (SMS).
After entering the phone number or email address, press Submit. You will then receive an activation code by text message or email. Enter the code in the form provided in the app.
If you have trouble or are unable to log in, contact Tango Tango Support at 888-826-4607, or by email at support@tangotango.net, and someone will help you. Also, see this article for additional troubleshooting ideas.
App Permissions (Required)
Once you are logged in, you will be asked your permission for Tango Tango to use various resources of your phone. These permissions are needed for the app to function, so you must grant all the permissions requested.
Once you grant all these permissions, you are ready to begin using the Tango Tango app.