Some Tango Tango customers have recently reported that the AINA Voice Responder v2 Bluetooth speaker mic may start spontaneously start keying the app. This may be associated with situations where the Voice Responder was previously paired with a different device. We've verified that the following procedure will resolve this issue.
- In the Tango Tango app, remove the Voice Responder: Settings > PTT Button. Use the 'trashcan' icon in the row for the Voice Responder.
- In your phone's Settings -> Bluetooth menu, remove the Voice Responder. It's likely in the 'My Devices' section.
- Reboot the Voice Responder:
- Perform the reset: Hold both PTT buttons and both arrow buttons - (yes all 4 buttons) - until the LED turns off.
- Turn off the Voice Responder.
- Turn on the Voice Responder, holding the buttons until the LED blinks rapidly green.
- In your phone's Settings - Bluetooth menu, connect to the Voice Responder (APTTxxxxx).
- You should hear two beeps with about a 1.5s rest between the beeps, and then the LED should blink blue.
- In the Tango Tango app, go to Settings - PTT Button and add it back to the app.
- After this, the LED should blink green. Once you first get a call and audio flows, it should blink blue.